Jhanak 21st September 2024 Written Update: Jhanak proclaims her lack of fear towards death

Jhanak 21st September 2024 Written Update Jhanak in danger. Today in Jhanak written update, Jhanak proclaims her lack of fear towards death, to which Anirudh intervenes.
Jhanak 21st September 2024 Written Update: Jhanak proclaims her lack of fear towards death
Jhanak 21st September 2024 Written Update

The nurse, overhearing their conversation, questions why they are discussing death and assures them of the doctors’ competence. Turning to Anirudh, the nurse correctly assumes that he is Jhanak’s husband and mentions how their work may be keeping them apart. Agreeing with her observation, Anirudh shares that this is indeed the case. The nurse then escorts Jhanak away while Bipasha voices her belief about Jhanak’s manipulation of Aditya for his wealth, ultimately causing her to lose him.

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Shrishti seconds this idea and Vinayak jumps in to defend Jhanak, pointing out that they do not know the full story and she may be suffering from a tumor. However, Arshi declares herself removed from the situation and leaves for her room while Shrishti declares that she will no longer tolerate any injustices towards Arshi and that she deserves her rights regardless of what Aditya and Jhanak are planning.

Bipasha has informed Shubh that he will be arriving soon. Tanuja agrees and suggests waiting until he arrives. Shrishti believes it needs to be done immediately. Vinayak proposes talking to Anirudh and offering legal assistance if Jhanak’s allegations are true. If Anirudh is guilty, then he is Arshi’s culprit, but if Jhanak is lying, she must explain her actions.

In the meantime, Jhanak is undergoing treatment. Aditya and Anirudh express concern about her condition and ask about the doctor’s update. The doctor reports that despite performing surgery, they cannot stop the bleeding as the patient’s body is rejecting blood. They need to find a donor, but even then, there may be complications. All they can do now is hope for a miracle. Anirudh demands an explanation and asks what the doctor means by saying they have operated on her. Aditya blames Anirudh for torturing her.

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This prompts Anirudh to reprimand him. However, the doctor advises against reacting in this situation and suggests praying for the patient’s recovery. She reassures them that their best efforts are being made and the patient has a chance of survival if her body accepts the blood transfusion.

When he asks what will happen if it doesn’t, she urges him to remain calm. Aditya tells Anirudh to be quiet. The doctor reminds them all to stay calm as they continue trying their best for the patient. Bablu arrives home. Choton joins him and Bablu inquires about a particular football match.

Choton suggests going and Bablu agrees, stating that he plans to retire soon and wants to make the most of life by watching the game. Choton reminisces about their childhood when their father used to take them to matches.

Bablu excitedly remembers those times when they all went together. Bipasha enters and overhears their conversation. Bablu reminds Choton to make arrangements for Appu’s visit tomorrow, which Choton confirms has already been taken care of. Bipasha thinks about the potential burden Appu’s arrival might bring, determined to see how they handle it.

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Bablu praises Choton for his efforts in Appu’s wedding. Choton disagrees, saying that Shubh is wrong for forgetting all Bablu has done for him. However, Bablu urges him to let it go. Anjana then enters and reveals that she asked Choton to get special things for Appu and Lalon since it’s their first visit post-marriage.

Curious about the payment, Bablu asks if Choton covered the cost. Anjana explains that she had saved money specifically for this occasion, which causes Bablu to become emotional. She promises to show them the special item when Appu arrives. Choton suggests showing it to Bablu now and presents a beautiful anklet.

Tanuja sarcastically comments on how they pretend to be poor. Bablu inquires about Jhanak’s whereabouts. Choton admits he is unaware of her location but mentions how much sorrow she has endured since losing Anirudh. Tanuja adds that Jhanak is undergoing treatment, and there seems to be no shame among them for they are supporting her. Aditya questions Anirudh’s decision to leave his wife alone.

Anirudh inquires about Jhanak’s relationship with Aditya, to which Aditya responds that it is not important as she is currently undergoing treatment. The doctor urges them to pray for a miraculous recovery. Anirudh departs and the lady inquires about him.

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Aditya clarifies that he has no connection to Jhanak. Upon Arshi’s arrival at home, Vinayak acknowledges her presence and she immediately reveals that she has something to share about Anirudh. Curious, he encourages her to speak and she explains how Anirudh’s behavior has drastically changed, from being faithful and affectionate to now feeling remorseful and guilty for not believing Jhanak. She can’t help but feel confused by his sudden change of heart and suspects that he may have developed feelings for Jhanak.

Understanding her sentiments, Vinayak reassures her that Anirudh is simply trying to help Jhanak in any way he can. However, Arshi still believes there’s more going on as Shrishti discloses Aditya’s alleged blackmailing of Anirudh over property matters. Though it seems plausible, Arshi remains convinced that there is a deeper reason behind Anirudh’s transformation. As if reading their minds, Shrishti confirms their suspicions by admitting that indeed, Anirudh has changed.

Tanuja criticizes Choton for his lack of contribution to the family. Bablu defends Choton, stating that everyone is aware of his hard work for the family. Bipasha then announces the arrival of new jewelry for Appu, but Tanuja complains that Anjana did not show her the pieces. In response, Tanuja asks Anjana to display the jewelry and takes a look at the silver anklets inside. She proceeds to mock both Bablu and Anjana while Bipasha recalls not remembering what was given to her during her wedding. Choton jumps in with a reminder that she was given a gold necklace, but Bipasha still claims not to remember.

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This prompts Tanuja to question how long Bipasha plans on staying in the household without contributing anything, as her husband does so much for their family. Just then, Dadi enters and reprimands Tanuja for her words. She reminds them all not to speak like that again, including telling off Bipasha for talking disrespectfully to her son. Bipasha apologizes, clarifying that it was not her intention, but Dadi shares her wisdom based on life experience and scolds them all. Dadi tells that her three sons give money at their own discretion, and her husband’s pension also comes to support the expenses.

She sends Tanuja and Bipasha away. Dadi asks Choton what he brought. He shows her the anklet, which she admires and commends him for his taste in jewelry. She wants him to use the money she gives him to buy some for Mrinalini. Choton disagrees, saying he can’t do it anymore. Bablu jumps in, reminding Choton of the perks like match tickets that come with the job. Dadi questions why women cannot attend football matches and shares how she used to cheer for the team on the radio as a child. Bablu mentions how she never went out with their father to see a match though, and Dadi explains that they would watch it at home instead. Jhanak’s condition gets worse and the doctors try to make a last try to save her life. Anirudh rushes to the temple to pray for Jhanak’s life.

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